I’ve recently added some new bracelets and necklaces to my Midnight Raven Artisan Jewellery website. As usual, there are loads more sparkly creations waiting in the wings for me to photograph – soon, very soon, I promise!
“If you would attain to your highest, go look upon a flower;what the flower does willessly, that do willingly.” ~ Johann von Schiller
“When we look into the heart of a flower, we see clouds, sunshine, minerals, time, the earth, and everything else in the cosmos in it. Without clouds, there could be no rain, and without rain there would be no flower.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Jewellery designer, photographer, artist, raw chocolatier, tree hugger and wandering soul... trying to live a creative and magical life one day at a time!
Copyright 2010 - all rights reserved. Photos, text and designs are the property of P. Jordan (unless otherwise noted). Content of this site may not be reproduced in any manner without written permission. Thank you.
"Faeries, come take me out of this dull world, For I would ride with you upon the wind, Run on the top of the dishevelled tide, And dance upon the mountains like a flame." ~ William Butler Yeats, The Land of Heart's Desire